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Things I learned from my Dad – A Father’s Day Tribute

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day


Once again I want to make a special post on a day that means a lot to me, both as a Father and a son.  Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers, Grandfathers, Friends and family members that have been blessed with being a father or father figure.  None of us would be here without our Dad’s, so I want to honour this day by doing a special tribute to my Dad and all the things he has taught me so far.

It all started many years ago in the same small town where I grew up.  My father met my mother, they dated, they got married, things happened and 8 months later I was born (yes I decided to arrive early).  A couple of years later my sister was born and our family was complete.

Fast forward to now and I am happy to outline some of the great lessons I learned from my Dad. Only 5 are listed here but there are so many more.

  1. You can do anything you set your mind to – My father has always shown me that you can achieve whatever you want if you put in the effort to make it happen.  I never felt held back from accomplishing new things because of it. My Dad taught me about computers before anyone really had any. He has built some amazing things with electronics, wood working and home improvement and taught me so much about many things.  He truly showed me to never be afraid of a challenge.
  2. Be Strong but Fair – as a man sometimes we feel that we have to be harder and more aggressive because it is in our nature but we should never forget to be fair and to recognize when someone just needs a hand up.  Showing respect is the best way to receive respect in return.
  3. Making mistakes is fine, as long as you learn from them – We all make mistakes in life and when I did, I learned that I could do better the next time.  My Dad always showed me that it is very important not to quit, but to take the lesson and move on.
  4. Accept Responsibility – My Dad always showed me that taking responsibility for what you do is not only important but integral in building careers and friendships.  When you feel that moment of uneasiness, it’s important to step back and realize what you could have done differently to make it better.  As an adult I realize how important it is for me to see that people understand how their actions and words have consequences and I try to remember to accept that for myself whenever I can.
  5. Be Generous – not just with money but also with our other valuable assets which include our time and effort.  My Dad (and Mom) taught me that helping others whenever you can is a great way to build long-lasting and meaningful relationships.

I watched my Dad work hard, take on new challenges and build great things.  He was always kind and welcoming to my friends, allowing them to use the “special ring” of hitting the door bell twice and then walk in.  He showed me that being kind and generous is the proper way to be a man.  He also taught me that giving back is important.  My father was a volunteer firefighter for many years and served on the town council.  Those examples gave me the confidence to be on several student councils and committees to this day.   My Dad loves his grandchildren, is always willing to help when I have home improvement projects and we always have great conversations about cars, electronics and politics.  I Love You Dad, you are important to me and have shown me how to be a great Dad too.  I personally take great pride when I ask my young son what he wants to be when he grows up and he says “I want to be a Dad.”  Thank you Dad, I owe a lot of that to you.  We all love you very much and we appreciate everything you do and we need you to keep doing it for many more years to come.  Happy Father’s Day!